Friday, May 15, 2015


Words cannot express it. The first time one experiences the joy of completing the first year of college is unparalleled. Yes, I am being hyperbolic. One entire year has passed since I began this transition from childhood to adulthood. The rush of relaxation and joy followed by a sigh. It is all abruptly interrupted by the fact that I have to find a job to occupy myself over the summer. What's wrong with just resting and lazing around? Nothing. Except everything, apparently. You don't have to convince me. I understand the importance of getting a job. Experience has to be accumulated over time. Please, give me a moment of respite before I plunge my head under again.

I have received my final grades for four out of five classes. All A's, surprisingly. I am not telling you, Dear Reader, to boast. In fact, I share this information with intent. During the last month of the Spring semester, I was struggling with the idea of getting a B. I was losing my mind over the idea of scoring less than perfect in my academics. The classes I am currently taking are core classes that must be taken by anyone looking for a four year degree. I figure if I can't even score perfect for these simple classes, how am I going to do when I head into my major? I was faced with the nightmare I longed to ignore: losing my 4.0 GPA. I prayed. I confided. I have come to a conclusion.

Getting anything less than an A is OKAY. Getting a B or even a C is OKAY. Why? I am not in college to impress others. I am not even in college to pursue a career. I am in college because God wants me to be in college. It is my mission field for the foreseeable future. I have already involved myself in a ministry and have received a lot of exposure to others' faith and pursuits. People are hurting, struggling, and fighting for the physical. Confused and mentally stressed. The symptoms are there. I understand the terrible stress people put themselves through to achieve that superfluous A that has no standing in Christ. I believe Christ isn't concerned with my grades more than my walk. Ever since I started college, my walk has been in the freezer. I have grown spiritually and mentally, but I have neglected my daily walk with Him. The conversations have ceased. It is kind of cold. Now, I am not saying that studying hard and doing well is wrong. I want you to analyze the WAY you tackle your education. It is important but not worth the stress and worry. Easy words for hard actions, I know.

I asked myself why I wanted to maintain a 4.0. Answer? Extremely shallow. I simply wanted to look good and hopefully carry those good grades to get a good job. Both reasons are physical and temporary. Those two adjectives are my weakness. Whether it be my future or my present, it is all I think about. Jesus is only concerned in the spiritual. Why should I be any different? Balancing the life of a college student with my pursuit for the Kingdom is the hardest class I will ever take. My intentions for my grades were selfish and inward. By aiming for good grades, I was sinning. I elevated my schooling over my Savior. A B does not mean failure. It doesn't mean you didn't try your best. My family told me to not define myself by my grade but by Christ. Because of Him I always have perfect scores in God's eyes.

While I was struggling with the idea of getting less than perfect grades, I started to realize my imperfections. I am not the smartest person in the world. I know that. But I started to realize that my intellect wasn't as great as I thought. In the back of my head, I felt like God wanted to tell me that I am not the reason for my success. The Spirit within me was giving me the ability to succeed. I always thought my smarts came from my own devices. I studied hard. I worked hard. I put in the time. But the truth was there. I am where I am now because of His blessings. I was frustrated. Everything I am is not mine. It is His. Even my academics. A tough pill to swallow.

I was reading Scripture during the last month of the Spring semester. It was 1 Corinthians chapter 1. What an amazing chapter. It struck me right where I needed to be struck at the time. The wisdom of the earth is big joke to God. The foolish are used by HIM to make the wise look like fools. I am that weak fool. The peace I received from that chapter only showed His love for me. I encourage my fellow College Mates to read that passage, even if you are done with finals!

Dear Readers! I have heard about your stress. I have heard about the terrible trials of the past few months. I understand. But please remember: don't become a slave to that malicious A. It will tear you apart spiritually. I received my reward. I have achieved that A at the cost of my daily walk. Was it worth it? Do I really need to answer? Now that it is over, I am taking my walk out of the freezer and into the oven. Time to get toasty.

College is fantastic. The people I encounter continue to amaze me. My new work ethic? Work hard for the glory of the Kingdom, not for my own gratification.

Happy Summer for all who have studied and worked hard! Cheers to the people who have supported us through prayers and physical needs. Praise the Lord for His continual blessings. Thank You.


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic as ever. You present yourself with such open clarity to your readers. I applaud you for being truthful to yourself and me your dear reader.

    Gotta admit, I've felt the same. It's like my GPA is a score board on how I view myself and compare to others. I've even been hit with the thoughts of perusing a higher degree (not cuz God is telling me, but because of my own pride in holding a PhD). Pretty lame and I gotta knock myself off the platform I built up called "ed-u-ma-ca-tion".

    Happy Summer to you! Hats off for surviving and thriving through your first year!!!!!! <3 the bumble.E
