Wednesday, December 26, 2018


You ever have someone stab you in the back? You ever get a new job? You ever lose someone you love?

Some things happened since my last post. Yes, I actually had events that occurred around me. This has probably been my biggest year to date! Next year looks even crazier. If things work out as I hope, I will be graduating and working a full-time job. Ehhhh, just like an adult.

I feel like doing something I have never done before. Starting a new job seems like it will fit the bill. I can't believe there are people out there who think I can do something outside of nothing. It is a big confidence boost. God has blessed me so much this year. My family and friends have also been blessed. People are growing up, moving on, and finding new things to learn and pursue. How will I challenge myself next year? Who will I meet? What does God want to teach me?

The only reason I am on this Earth is for something. I have to seek out that something. I know that it isn't just to make money and live comfortably. Life would be too easy and boring if all I had to do was sustain my body. I need to invest in some people. Invest in myself.

The drive to continue this blog is very thin. I remember when I would have to hold myself back from writing too many posts at once. Now, I sort of had to force myself to do this one. They don't come naturally anymore. Maybe that's a good sign. Maybe it means I have better things to do than type out thoughts of a naive kid. I suppose the time for typing is over. The time for acting and living out my convictions has come.

Well, at least that is how I feel. One step at a time. Always moving forward. I fall down a lot, but I try to make sure I fall forward. My Dear Readers (more like myself), the time has come for me to put this blog on indefinite hiatus. Who knows when I will be back. Happy New Year! May God keep you safe and healthy. Hopefully the next time I write a post I will be done with school.

Wow, done with school?


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