Wednesday, December 23, 2015


You thought it. I denied it. The tears were real that day.

Alright, they did it. Colored me impressed. I wasn't skeptical. I just braced myself for mediocrity. J. J. Abrams didn't 'wow' me with Star Trek. I mean, I am not a big fan of that franchise anyways. Cover me in feathers and call me a ostrich, He did it. Of course, it wasn't just him. He got a lot of help.

I marathoned the original trilogy to psych myself up for opening day. It was worth it, to say the least. Many would argue its faults and how Empire Strikes Back is still the king of Star Wars. I am not going to argue with nostalgia. He is a tough and immortal opponent. Go ahead, cling to your past. I shall eagerly await my future with the new trilogy. However, there is till that fear of the next two movies tanking. We should probably hold a 24-hour prayer meeting...

I have viewed this movie twice. As a Star Wars fan, I applaud its near perfect attempt in attaining the same atmosphere as the original trilogy. The CGI and special effects were not overused. The new characters are easily lovable and awesome. The music is new enough to be fresh and old enough to remind us that this is, indeed, a legitimate sequel to the most loved story in all movie history. A solid 9/10. Let's hope the next two movies push this new trilogy into a beautiful 10/10.

The New Year is upon us. This is my 19th one. Nothing to boast about. New Year's Resolutions didn't catch my interest. I have done many lifestyle changes out of necessity, not choice. Now that I am becoming more of an adult I am starting to realize the independence that is being steeled to my being. There are optional choices before me. What to do? By God's blessings I have been graced with abundance in every physical and spiritual need. The question is what to do with my surplus. Perhaps a few more video games to drown in? Look deeper into my major? Binge on some Netflix? All those things have already been tested and found to be worthless over the last ten years. What, then, shall I do? A New Year should be beaming with opportunity and a time to recollect and examine the good and the bad of the past year.

"How can I change myself for the better?"
"Oh! I don't know. Maybe stop doing bad things and start doing good things. DERP."
                                                                               ~Missingnomer and Flight 
No matter how old you get there will always be something to improve in your life. Progress is infinite for a human. Being a middle-class American citizen means that the world is literally my oyster. Education? Travel? Ministry? Career? Family? All of the above? I don't know. They all sound good. All of them are life goals. Pretty far-reaching, if you ask me. I personally like to go with the small goals and ignore the large ones. How about finishing my degree? And....hmmmm....

I got gym membership.

Hold it, Dear Readers. It is common for people to get gym membership at the start of a new year. Wont I just end up quitting within the first month like the rest? WRONG! It costed me too much (literally) to just quit. I have invested (literally) and I plan to reap. The focus is to get healthy and take care of my body. Don't worry. I am not turning into a health nut, far from it. Shaving a few pounds and gaining some muscle wont hurt anybody....except maybe me.

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