Friday, January 22, 2021


My first year as an adult did not turn out the way I expected. I don't think anyone's 2020 went the way they expected. Uggg, what a lame way to start my adult life. So many things I wanted to do, so many things to see, so many people to meet, and so many experiences to experience. I can sum up 2020 in like, two sentences:

Working a fulltime job is fun, rewarding, and exhausting!

Wait, I can't do anything?

Now I sit here thinking, "Does my life Or am I going to wait another year?" Who knows? God likes to play with me. Just when I thought I was given more slack to roam the world, the chord is tugged. It was tugged so hard it flung me back into my bedroom. I set a record number of hours in this little room this year. I barely did anything but work. At least God blessed me with a job. There are so many things to moan about but the blessings outweigh them by a large margin.

Just think, last year I was hoping to have a church and girlfriend by now! My! How things have changed from those initial goals! What did I achieve in 2020? Eh, some good job experience, money, and some good friendships. Not nearly as much as I wanted, but it is definitely a start. Unfortunately, I spent so much time waiting. Waiting for the doors to open...

Dear Readers, I hope you had a good 2020. A lot of people on the internet love to say how horrible it all was, but I don't like to dwell on the negatives. God blessed me with a healthy family, a stable job during a rough time, and a hope that it will end in the near future. Honestly, I am very happy and excited about the new year! What are my goals? Well, might as well just drag the 2020 goals to 2021! I gotta find a good Church!

All the exciting things that I know of haven't happened to myself. They all happened for family and friends. My life has felt like it was put on ice for the last 10 months. I would be lying if I said I wasn't bitter about it. It allowed me to enjoy one more year of I thought 2020 was going to push my life forward. You know, growing up and taking on more responsibilities! But instead all I got was more of what I know. Don't get me wrong, my job has been keeping me on my toes, but working at home is only so effective when it comes to staving off boredom.

What is God trying to teach me? Patience, inner-reflection, and maybe some humility. I listened a lot to a guy named Jordan Peterson through out 2020. He talked a lot about God, purpose, politics, and philosophy. It made me think a lot about what it really means to be a young adult in my position. What should I do today? This week? This month? This year? This decade? What is most important to me? Why?

Anyways, I honestly didn't think too much about what I wanted to talk about in this post. I usually wing it and the thoughts come flowing. But right now....nothing is really coming to me. I guess that goes to show how hollow 2020 was for me. It can only get more interesting from here, I guess. Man, I really want a girlfriend. I am a 24 (going to be 25) year old dude who is still a virgin. You think this is easy for me?!?

Anyone out there who is reading this:


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